Signing In

Sign into the GeoCalc Geodetic Registry using your Blue Marble Website account information. If you have not registered for a Blue Marble Website account you may do so here:

Signing in will allow you access to Actions associated with search results (such as viewing the WKT or GML). Signing in while associated with a Geographic Calculator order will also allow you access to the Point to Point Calculator.
If you have a current Calculator license the registry should recognize that by your log in information. If the registry cannot find your order, or if you need assistance linking your registered account to your current Geographic Calculator order, please contact .

Request Trial

After signing in to GeoCalc Online, you will see a new Request Trial button if your Blue Marble account is not tied to an active Geographic Calculator order. Choosing Begin Trial will activate a 7 day trial against your Blue Marble account. This will provide full functionality to the site, including the Point-to-Point Calculator. Please contact with any questions.